History of Homosexuality

Dr Umar Johnson speaks about the origin of homesexuality from a scientifical perspective, particullary in the black community.

He comments on the scientific meaning and the contreversal topic of how it was treated as a abnormal mental defect and not a natural choice through birth.

Further, how it is being used today as a depopulation technique favoured by the rockerfeller institute by imposing it on the black community as a lifestyle choice, to end male and female marriages that lead to pro life.

With some refernces to top illuminati head pieces here is the video of his speech

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17 January 2012 at 12:46

Been meaning to take this up with you.... This sounds to me like a lot of hateful stuff, stuff that ultimately justifies the persecution of gay people. Surely that's not what we stand for, the persecution of our fellow human beings?

There is plenty of evidence that nine, ten, eleven percent of folks from the dawn of time have just been gay. Many cultures have simply adapted themselves to that fact and got on with their business. The notion, for instance, that African cultures uniquely stigmatize homosexuality has been credibly challenged many, many times by scholars who assert that for the most part African cultures considered homosexuality just part of the range of human being-ness, and adopted the stance of persecuting it only when Western and Christian colonizers brought their norms into Africa, to be adopted and accepted as their own.

Let's talk about this some time soon.

17 January 2012 at 12:48

Been meaning to take this up with you.... This sounds to me like a lot of hateful stuff, stuff that ultimately justifies the persecution of gay people. Surely that's not what we stand for, the persecution of our fellow human beings?

There is plenty of evidence that nine, ten, eleven percent of folks from the dawn of time have just been gay. Many cultures have simply adapted themselves to that fact and got on with their business. The notion, for instance, that African cultures uniquely stigmatize homosexuality has been credibly challenged many, many times by scholars who assert that for the most part African cultures considered homosexuality just part of the range of human being-ness, and adopted the stance of persecuting it only when Western and Christian colonizers brought their norms into Africa, to be adopted and accepted as their own.

Let's talk about this some time soon.

3 March 2012 at 19:41

The last person that commented. I was waiting for someone to say something about Hate. What is your spiritual affiliation. I am buddhist and we don't speak hate. Its is about the propagation of World peace! The fact that someone feels like this is a psychological disorder according to what the so called white man came up with. I found this to be hypocritical on many levels. U dont agree with the white man but you side with there views in the APA up until 1972...this guy is a real winner! smdh

15 March 2012 at 01:40

Interesting discussion. I have never met a Black lesbian who didn't have issues with the Black male Patriarchy and sadly sometimes it is preached that all sexual encounters between male and female are rape. They teach in college so called critical thinking classes that sex is biological but gender is a social construct. You know that's off some bullshit. Breasts produce milk for babies that is natural and the way God intended there is nothing at all socially constructing gender roles; we were born with them!
